Awards & Grants

WTZ Bosnia and Herzegovina - OeAD

“Integrative approach to tissue healing: A bioactive magnetic patch with hyperthermia and immobilized human serum albumin”

Cooperation with Dr. Aida Smajlović (University Tuzla)

ASEA Uninet - OeAD

“Biological chelation agents for metal ion overload: A comparative study with traditional chemical chelators”

Cooperation with Dr. Somdet Srichairatanakool (Chiang Mai University)

Walter-Benjamin Scholarship - DFG

“Advances in sepsis detection: Magnetic enrichment for earlier diagnosis”

Research Grant - MEFO

“Nanocarriers for the selective treatment of HER2+ breast cancer”

Ernst-Mach Weltweit Scholarship of the OeAD

Top-Reviewer Award „Food and Bioproducts Processing“

Reviewer Recognition „Biotechnology Journal“